31 January 2010



anja rubik for vogue nippon

fashion gone rogue

29 January 2010

jak and jil


jak and jil blog

27 January 2010

when all you want's one more Saturday


some photos i took on my recent trip to germany/amsterdam/paris. these were taken with an old pentax analog camera with ilford black and white film.

25 January 2010

hallucinogenic dali


The Hallucinogenic Toreador

Swans Reflecting Elephants

Paranoic Critical Solitude

Galatea of the Spheres

Temptation of St Anthony

some of my Dali favourites
wikipedia, cise

melanie laurent


since watching Inglourious Basterds which i actually found highly entertaining even though its not necessarily the type of movie i tend to watch, i've had a new girl crush. Melanie Laurent. she is a great actress (i've also seen her work in Klapisch's 'Paris') and ethereally gorgeous. she is such a typical french girl, completely sexy, chic and effortless. i like the fact that she's not a towering model-esque type and that her fashion and beauty are a little off-kilter. throw into the mix that she is apparently dating Damien Rice and i am completely jealous! can't wait to see more from her in the future.
