21 December 2010

relax, take it easy.

i'm off to fiji tonight!! rainbow reefs, blue sky, tropical rain, paper umbrellas, coconut suntan lotion, lazy days. can't wait!!! have a happy and safe holiday season. see you in the New Year.

19 December 2010

the delta of venus.

billy bride, the glamourai, oracle fox, we heart it, turned out, stylestalker, souvenirs, late afternoon, la la land, tfs, etsy, src783, hanneli mustaparta.

16 December 2010


figured it was probably time for a revamp after 2 years! liking the new look?
this was originally how i wanted the blog to look anyway, just took me a while to figure out how to do it. on a side note - i love jigsaw puzzles, and i particularly love these scrambled ones! genius.

via we heart it

15 December 2010

new glamour.

the killing moon, src783, not common people, oracle fox, tfs, knight cat, jak and jil, indecorous taste, vogue, garbage dress, claire morgan, lace love and glitter, chris heads, billy bride, fashion gone rogue, bruno dayan, atelier zobel.